Saturday, September 14, 2024

Master Players' Book: Spells

 The Master Players' Book introduced new cleric, druid, and magic-user spells.

Cleric Spells:

Illustration by Jeff Easley

Seventh Level Cleric Spells - 4 new spells
Survival - protection from non-magical adverse conditions of all types, including heat or cold, lack of air, and so forth
Travel - combines Greyhawk "Astral Spell" + "Wind Walk"
Wish - usable only by a cleric of 36th level and 18 Wisdom
Wizardry - allows the use of one magic-user scroll spell or one device

Druid Spells:

Illustration by Jeff Easley

First Level Druid Spell - 1 new spell

Detect Danger - from Eldritch Wizardry/AD&D 1e "Detect Snares and Pits" + Detect Evil

Second Level Druid Spell - 1 new spell

Heat Metal - from Eldritch Wizardry/AD&D 1e

Third Level Druid Spell - 1 new spell

Protection from Poison - from Eldritch Wizardry/AD&D 1e "Neutralize Poison"

Fourth Level Druid Spell - 1 new spell

Summon Animals - from Eldritch Wizardry/AD&D 1e "Animal Summoning I"

Fifth Level Druid Spell - 1 new spell

Dissolve* (Harden) - from Eldritch Wizardry/AD&D 1e "Transmute Rock to Mud"

Sixth Level Druid Spell - 1 new spell

Turn Wood - from Eldritch Wizardry/AD&D 1e

Seventh Level Druid Spell - 1 new spell

Summon Elemental - from Eldritch Wizardry/AD&D 1e "Conjure (Fire/Earth) Elemental"


Magic-User Spells:

Illustration by Jeff Easley

Eighth Level Magic-User Spells - 4 new spells
Clone - from Greyhawk/AD&D 1e
Create Magical Monsters - from Greyhawk/AD&D 1e "Monster Summoning VI"
Force Field - similar to AD&D 1e "Wall of Force"
Travel - combines Greyhawk "Astral Spell" + "Wind Walk"

Ninth Level Magic-User Spells - 8 new spells

Contingency - acts as a trigger for one stated magic-user spell of 4th level or less that does not normally cause damage
Create Any Monster - from Greyhawk "Monster Summoning VII"
Heal - from AD&D 1e "Heal" (clerical spell)
Immunity - similar to AD&D 1e "Serten's Spell Immunity"
Prismatic Wall - from Greyhawk
Shapechange - from Greyhawk
Timestop - from Greyhawk
Wish* - from Greyhawk

*was reprinted in CM7 "The Tree of Life" (1986)

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