Saturday, May 4, 2024

CM4: Earthshaker!

CM4 "Earthshaker!" (1985) by David "Zeb" Cook is a D&D adventure for character levels 18-20, set in the region of Norwold.

CM4 "Earthshaker!" (1985) by David "Zeb" Cook.  Illustration by Clyde Caldwell.

The PCs must determine how to deactivate a giant, steam-powered robot before it can wreak havoc in the Kingdom of Norwold.

Evoking Japanese mecha (aired in the U.S. as "Voyage Into Space", etc.), the module is an early example of steampunk (predating the term).

About the Author:

David "Zeb" Cook was hired by TSR in 1980.  He wrote I1 "Dwellers of the Forbidden City", A1 "Slave Pits of the Undercity" and co-edited the Expert Rulebook (1981) with Steve Marsh, also co-writing X1 "The Isle of Dread" with Tom Moldvay..

Further contributions to the D&D Game World included X4 "Master of the Desert Nomads" (1983), X5 "Temple of Death" (1983), M1 "Blizzard Pass" (1983), B6 "The Veiled Society" (1984), and AC2 "The Treasure of the Hideous One" (1984)

The Duchy of Vyolstagrad:

The Duchy of Vyolstagrad, located "somewhere near the Wyrmsteeth Range"


Earthshaker stands 1,280' tall (the Empire State Building is 1,250'), or 17' 6" in 25mm scale.

Earthshaker "was built at least 3,000 years ago,* probably by a race of evil gods similar in skill to dwarves or gnomes."

*this coincides with the Blackmoor era, although DA1 "Adventures in Blackmoor" was not published until the following year

The gnomes of Earthshaker.  Illustration by Ben Otero.

Earthshaker is home to a clan of 327 gnomes, who operate the machinery that powers the giant automaton.*

*AC11 "The Book of Wondrous Inventions" (1987) and PC2 "Top Ballista" (1989) consolidated this image of gnomes

"Tinker" gnomes also appeared in the second volume "Dragons of Winter Night" of the original Dragonlance trilogy (1985).

Clock of Timelessness:

The module introduces a clan relic for gnomes:
The clan's relic, the Clock of Timelessness, is a 5-foot clock with a skeleton movement (the inner works can be seen clearly).  Unlike Earthshaker, the relic is ornately decorated; gears are filigreed, armatures sculpted, and jewels are lavishly set in the clock's face.  The relic has all the standard powers of a relic as described in the Companion Rules.

In addition, the relic can be used to fashion the rare equation of time.  The equation allows time travel to any specific point in time.  First the keeper selects the date (down to the second) the equation will derive.  Then the keeper and his aides must study and record the movements of the clock in perfect detail for one year.  With this data, they must perform thousands of complex, magical, mathematical formulae in their heads.  Nothing of this can be written on paper and the slightest error will cause the end result to be imperfect.  Performing these calculations takes 20 years.

When the final formula has been completed, the keeper and the clanmaster can correctly set the clock.  When the clock is set, one person or object is instantly transported through time to the chosen date.  The transported object remains there for 24 hours and then must either transport again (by use of another equation of time) or fade into nonexistence.  Anything that fades disappears utterly and totally from the Multiverse as if it had never existed (although any possessions or previous deeds of a character do not change).

from CM4 "Earthshaker!" (1984)

New Magical Item:

Spade of Digging (pg. 21) from AC4 "The Book of Marvelous Magic" (1984)

Prerolled Characters:

The pre-rolled characters "are not entirely serious characters (as this is not an entirely serious adventure).  Each has some feature or characteristic that makes him noticeably less than perfect."

Alphonso Rodiphino (F18)
Fierlas Diaz (T19)
Bartolome de Tramalcos (C18)
McVay the Mighty (MU18)
apprentice "Boy" (MU1)
Tagus Firebreath (D12; attack rank J)
Hiera Lead-Spear (E10; attack rank B)


The entry for Jaggar's Transforming Gargantoid in AC11 "The Book of Wondrous Inventions" includes the following reference to CM4:

Far away to the south, beyond Specularum and the Sea of Dread, lies a mysterious continent. Legends say that only gnomes and their huge frightening machines populate this part of the world, called by some the Land of Earthshakers (see module CM4, Earthshaker).

It was there that Jaggar, a Glantrian Wizard-Prince, spent part of his life in exploration of the land. During his many adventures among the gnomes, he discovered Alphatian outposts that were quite hostile to the gnomes and their machines. As an answer to the horrendous gnomish creations, the Alphatians introduced the Gargantoids, their own version of the Earthshakers.
At the end of a huge battle against gnomish steam powered earthshakers and Alphatian magical gargantoids, the gnomes were defeated and Jaggar nearly captured. As a desperate measure, the prince managed to enter a gargantoid, and dehim to take over the magical machine and escape with it. He reappeared months later in Glantri and concealed the infernal machine in a secret cave coated with lead, high in the mountains.

AC11 "The Book of Wondrous Inventions" (1987)

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