Saturday, September 3, 2022

X3: Curse of Xanathon

X3 "Curse of Xanathon" (1982)* by Douglas Niles is a D&D adventure for character levels 5-7.  The module provides new information on the northeastern part of the B/X continental setting, specifically the Kingdom of Vestland, the Ethengar Khanate, and Rockhome.

*referred to as "The Curse of Zanathon" in the 1983 TSR "Products of Your Imagination" catalog

Module X3 "Curse of Xanathon" (1982) by Douglas Niles.  Cover illustration by Harry Quinn.

About the Author:

Niles was a high school teacher in Clinton, Wisconsin.  He first learned about D&D from Heidi Gygax, one of his students.  He applied to TSR for a job as a game designer in 1981, and began working for TSR in January, 1982.*

*as recounted in this interview on the Save or Die podcast (December 20, 2010)

Niles' first published adventure was AD&D module N1 "Against the Cult of the Reptile God" (1982), set in the World of Greyhawk.  This was followed by module X3 "Curse of Xanathon" and module B5 "Horror on the Hill" (1983).


For five generations the Dukes of Rhoona have ruled the city of the same name with a just and respected hand.  Established as an outpost from which Eric Rhoona launched his far ranging raiding and trading expeditions, the town has grown to a population of several thousand in its century of existence.  The duchy is part of the greater kingdom of Vestland, and is allied with the Jarldom of Soderfjord and the dwarves of Rockhome.

Located on a sheltered fjord nearly 100 miles from the sea,  Rhoona has a bustling port from which ships sail to all corners of the known world.

Section of map of the continent, from module X1 "The Isle of Dread", indicating the location of the city of Rhoona.

Niles' description of the duchy of Rhoona is somewhat at odds with the description of the Kingdom of Vestland in module X1:
Each of these northeastern states is composed of many petty "kingdoms" that are loosely united under one ruler.  In Vestland and Ostland the underchiefs are called "kings"; in Soderfjord they are known as "jarls".  Their culture resembles that of the Vikings.
from module X1 "The Isle of Dread" (1981)

Eric Rhoona's raiding and trading expeditions a century earlier are more in keeping with the B/X continental setting as described in module X1.

New Deities:

Forsetta - the basic tenets include the conviction that good deeds done throughout a person's life will result in great rewards after death.*  A lawful deity, Forsetta is later described as a Temporal in the Sphere of Matter in "Wrath of the Immortals" (1992)

*likely based on Forseti, the god of justice in Norse mythology (entries in both Gods, Demi-gods & Heroes and the AD&D 1e Deities & Demigods)

The Spuming Nooga* - the deity of the Spuming Nooga is pictured as a giant whale spouting a great column of spray into the air.  The alignment of the god and its followers is extremely neutral, and believers tend to be very self-reliant people.

*subsequently described as an alias of the Mystaran immortal Protius, "The Old Man of the Sea" in "Wrath of the Immortals" (1992)

Depiction of Cretia, from module X3 "Curse of Xanathon"

Cretia* - a chaotic god of the Ethengarians, pictured with a scowling human face upon the torso of a gorilla, with four bear-like feet.  Cretia is later described as a Celestial in the Sphere of Thought in "Wrath of the Immortals" (1992)

*subsequently described as "Cretia, Lord of Chaos" in GAZ 12 "The Golden Khan of Ethengar":

As the Mischief Maker and the Great Destroyer, Cretia plays an important part in the lives of the Ethengars.  His clerics are found throughout the Khanates causing trouble and mischief.  They see themselves as entertainers who prevent life from becoming too static and boring.  Cretia is often worshiped before a battle as the Immortal of War; in this role he aids the Ethengars in defeating and destroying their enemies.

from GAZ 12 "The Golden Khan of Ethengar" (1989)

Further Adventuring in Rhoona:

Some brief scenarios are described as the basis for further adventures:

A. The Band of Master Thieves
B. The Slavers' Warehouse
C. Raiding Red Dragon

I've posted a copy of my notes, from when I expanded these, here.

In addition, module X13 "Crown of Ancient Glory" (1987) for character levels 7-10 represents a suitable follow-up adventure to module X3.

New Monster:


*seemingly inspired by Kaa the Snake as depicted in Disney's "The Jungle Book" (1967)


Design: Douglas Niles
Development: Douglas Niles and Allen Hammack*
Editing: Deborah Campbell Ritchie

*Hammack also worked with Niles on module N1

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