Saturday, September 21, 2024

Master Players' Book: New Armor and Weapons

The Master Players' Book introduced new armor and weapon options, along with new rules for weapon proficiency ("Weapon Mastery" to be covered tomorrow).

Suit Armor:

Illustration by Terry Dykstra, from the D&D Rules Cyclopedia (1991)

The veritable "suit of armor" from the late Middle Ages, also referred to as plate armor.

Suit armor results in AC 0, or -1 with a shield.  The wearer gains +2 to saving throws vs. most area effects (fire, cold, gas, acid) including breath weapons, and the base damage of the attack is reduced by 1 per die.

The cost is 250 gp.  It must be tailored exactly to fit, and takes 3 turn to put on.  Encumbrance is 750 cn, and movement rate is 30 feet per turn.  Its creaks and clanks can be heard up to 120 feet away and negate chances for surprise.

The wearer has a -5 penalty when using any missile device other than a crossbow.  If alone, the wearer suffers a -1 penalty to be surprised.  The chance of successfully getting up from a prone position or mounting a steed without help is 1 in 6.


Four new types of barding were added to those described in the Expert Set (leather, chain, and plate):

New Weapons:

Hammer, Throwing: This is a shorthafted, broad-headed hammer, capable of crushing blows and able to be thrown.

Master Players' Book (pg 19)

Pole Arms: Grouped into three categories: thrusters, choppers, and combination weapons.  The types of pole arms available are:

Halbard - this weapon is both a thrusting and a chopping weapon.  It has a broad axe head with a spike on the top and a hook on the back.

Pike - this thrusting weapon has a short, sharp spearhead on the end of a very long pole (12-18 feet).

Pole Axe - this chopping weapon has a small axe head attached to a pole of varying length (5-15 feet).

Other pole arms that might be used:
Bardiche - this weapon has a heavy axe blade with a long spike projecting forward.  Use halbard statistics, but this weapon has the deflect abilities of the pike.  The bardiche may be set vs. a charge.

Bill - a lightweight weapon, the bill has a long, narrow, single-edged blade (like a scythe).  Use pole axe statistics and deflect scores.  In addition, the bill has the hook ability of a halbard.

Gisarme - this weapon resembles a bill with a thin spike on the back of the blade, curving forward.  Use pike statistics and deflect scores.  The gisarme also has the hook ability.

Glaive - this weapon has a broad, knife-like blade.  Use pole axe statistics and deflect scores.  The glaive causes double damage like a dagger.  This weapon may be set vs. a charge.

Lochaber Axe - this weapon has a long, heavy, single-bladed axe with a hook on the back, pointing forward.  Use all of the halbard rules, but the lochaber axe may also stun at the highest two masteries.

Partizan - the partizan has a broad spear-head with two hooks at the base, pointing forward.  Use all the pike rules, but this weapon may also disarm.  This weapon may be set vs. a charge.

Ranseur - this weapon has a short, sharp spike flanked by two short, curved blades at its base.  Use halbard statistics and deflect scores.  The ranseur may also be used to disarm at Skilled level and above.  This weapon may be set vs. a charge.

Spetum - the spetum has a long spike with two sharp curved blades forming a trident shape.  Use pike statistics and deflect scores.  This weapon may also disarm at Skilled or greater mastery.  The spetum may be set vs. a charge.

Spontoon - the spontoon has an elaborate blade, possibly wavy or with flanges.  Use spear statistics, but this weapon may not be thrown.  Use the deflect scores of a halbard.  The spontoon does double damage like a dagger and may be set vs. a charge.

Voulge - the voulge has a large, heavy, broad blade like a cleaver.  Use pole axe statistics, but this weapon causes + 2 damage.  Use the deflect scores for a halbard.  The voulge may cause double damage like a dagger.

Shield Weapons: These weapons combine a shield with weapon blades.  Though awkward and breakable, a shield weapon can provide a second attack when used with a one-handed weapon. 
Horned Shield - this is a one-foot circular shield that is strapped to the arm rather than held. A single spike projects from its center. This shield is very durable and will not break.

Knife Shield - this is a small buckler equipped with one or two short blades protruding from its sides.

Sword Shield - this medium-sized shield has one or two sword or spear blades projecting from the sides (if round) or ends (if oblong).

Tusked Shield - this large shield has one to four short blades protruding from the sides.  It may have a central spike.  Due to its size, the tusked shield requires two hands to use and may not be used with another weapon.

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