Saturday, September 28, 2024

Master Players' Book: The Siege Machine

The Master Player's Book provides statistics for siege equipment and fortifications, as well as a system for handling sieges, the "Siege Machine" (based on the "War Machine").

Seige equipment, Master Players' book (pg. 25)

Sieges in D&D owe their lineage to the Siege of Bodenburg, a medieval miniatures wargame, demonstrated at the first Gen Con in 1968

There were 2-3 pages devoted to sieges in the Chainmail rules by Gygax and Perren, which were more generally inspired by the Siege of Bodenburg.

The section on "Construction and Siege" in the AD&D 1e Dungeon Masters Guide (pgs. 106-110) also covers siege equipment and rules.

I've always thought it would be fun to run a siege involving the Keep on the Borderlands using one of these systems, although have never gotten around to it.

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