Saturday, October 19, 2024

Master DM's Book: Mystics

Mystics (monks), like thugs (assassins) are introduced as a monster types in the Master DMs book (both originally appeared as character classes in the Blackmoor supplement).

A mystic's salute.*  Illustration by Terry Dykstra, from the D&D Rules Cyclopedia (1991)

A mystic is described as a "human who rigorously follows a way of life involving a special discipline of meditation, study, and physical training."

*upon meeting another creature presumed to be peaceful, the mystic raises a fist, covers it with the other hand, and bows slightly.  This symbolizes greetings (the bow), readiness to fight if necessary (the fist), but peaceful intentions (the covered fist)

Cloister Life:

Despite the clear Eastern influence, Mentzer states that leadership and organization of a cloister is closely based on that of a Benedictine monastery of the time of Charlemagne, about 800 A.D.

When asked about this on Dragonsfoot in 2006, he responded "I went with something pragmatically playable, leaving the details to the choices of individual gaming groups.  That works whether you're into Eastern v Western mystics or any other detailed facet involving prior exposure and/or research."

Mystics adventure as PCs to gain spiritual growth and learn the lessons of life outside the cloister.  They rarely adventure with other mystics.  After each level of advancement, a mystic must retreat to the seclusion of the cloister for 1-6 months.

Special Abilities:

Any mystic can use the following Special Abilities of thieves as if a thief of the same level: Find Traps, Remove Traps, Move Silently, Climb Walls, and Hide in Shadows.

Mystics gain other special abilities as they progress in levels:
Awareness - the mystic is only surprised on a roll of 1 (on ld6).

Heal Self - the mystic may, once per day, cure himself of 1 point of damage for each of his Hit Dice, simply by concentrating for 1 round.

Speak with Animals - the mystic may speak with any normal or giant animal as often as desired.

Resistance - the mystic takes only 1/2 damage from all spells and breath weapons that inflict points of damage, or 1/4 damage if the saving throw is successful.

Speak with Anyone - the mystic may speak with any living creature that has a language of any sort, as often as desired.

Mind Block - the mystic is immune to ESP, hold and slow spells, magical charms, quests, and geas spells.

Blankout - by concentrating for one round, the mystic causes his presence to “disappear.” The mystic cannot be seen or magically detected by any living or undead creature (no saving throw). The effect lasts for 1 round per Hit Die of the mystic or until he attacks.

Gentle Touch - once per day, the mystic may use the Gentle Touch on any one living creature hit (by normal roll). The mystic must declare he is using the effect first. No saving throw is allowed to avoid the subsequent effect, but a victim with more Hit Dice than the mystic cannot be affected. (Hit Dice are used, not levels of experience.) The Touch has one of the following results (as chosen by the mystic): charm, cureall, death, quest, or paralysis. The effect lasts for 24 hours.

Martial Arts:

The Four Styles of Martial Arts

There are four styles of martial arts, based on principles of elemental dominance:

Offensive - this style of fighting causes damage by striking blows with the hand, foot, head, elbow, and other parts of the body. Use of the offensive style can break boards and bricks.

Wrestling - this style of fighting is used to incapacitate a foe through lock holds (such as half nelsons), counter leverage, and nerve pinches. Some masters of this style may be able to paralyze a foe so that the victim need not be held further.

Defensive - this style of fighting blocks attacks and turns them aside, at times even turning an attacker’s blows back against himself.

Throws - this style of attack turns the momentum of the attacker against him by tripping, pushing, and throwing an opponent.

Mystics may also possess a special ability called acrobatics that, when linked with any of the above styles of fighting, may develop unique schools of fighting. Acrobatics allows a mystic to perform the following actions:

Catches (to prevent oneself from falling)

It's perhaps noteworthy that "Oriental Adventures" for AD&D was published the same year (1985) as the D&D Master Set.

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