Saturday, September 16, 2023

DA1: Further Adventures

DA1 "Adventures in Blackmoor" includes ten ideas for additional adventures:

1. A mission to penetrate the Realm of the Egg and rescue the missing Baron of Glendower who disappeared after entering that evil dominion in search of his kidnapped bride.
JG37 "The First Fantasy Campaign" (1977) describes the Egg of Coot as "an evil, telepathic entity, whose physical nature is unknown.  Depopulates any area it captures, replacing the former inhabitants with "a new and very unhuman population".

Bascom Ungulian, the Baron of Glendower, is described in the "Rogues, Regents, and Rascals" section of DA1 (pg 47).

2. A mission to obtain the help of the Horsemen of Peshwah against the empire.
The Horsemen of Peshwah and the lands south of Blackmoor are described in DA3 "City of the Gods".

The Peshwah are given more comprehensive treatment in the "Riders of Hak" (2007) sourcebook, part of the Zeitgeist Games d20 series of Blackmoor supplements.

"Riders of Hak" (2007) by Dave Brainard and Tad Kilgore.

3. A mission to demoralize the Afridhi by penetrating Starmorgan and stealing the treasure collected by Toska Rusa for the purpose of building a temple to the Afridhi god, Zugzul.
Toska Rusa, the Mistress of God, and her treasure, are described in the "Rogues, Regents, and Rascals" section of DA1 (pg 62-63). 
The castle of Starmorgan is briefly described in DA4 "The Duchy of Ten".  Its garrison is comprised of 800 heavy foot, 1600 light foot, and 600 heavy horse. 

4. A mission to kill Skandaharian leader Thorsen One-Thumb so as to create a struggle for the office of First Jarl and prevent the Skandaharian Raiders from attacking Blackmoor this year.
Thorsen One-Thumb, the First Jarl, is described in the "Rogues, Regents, and Rascals" section of DA1 (pg 61-62).
Details for Skandaharian Raiders are included in DA4 "The Duchy of Ten" (pg. 39-40)

5. A mission to destabilize the rule of the Duchess of the Peaks in hopes that her people will overthrow her and that the succeeding turmoil will keep Starport from sending troops to the aid of the Afridhi.
Sonia Sholako, the Duchess of the Peaks, is described in the "Rogues, Regents, and Rascals" section of DA1 (pg 60).
See also "The Duchy of the Peaks" part I, part II, part III, part IV on Havard's Blackmoor Blog

6. A mission to locate the Green Man, secret head of the Wizards' Cabal, and bring him back to Vestfold for a magical interrogation that will hopefully reveal details of the organization’s membership and operations.

Tamis Azkanikin, the Green Man, is described in the "Rogues, Regents, and Rascals" section of DA1 (pg 61). 
The Wizards' Cabal is given comprehensive treatment in the "The Wizards Cabal" (2005) sourcebook, part of the Zeitgeist Games d20 series of Blackmoor supplements.

"The Wizards Cabal" (2005).  Cover illustration by Allan Alegado.

7. A mission to enter the stronghold of the Orcs of the Black Hand and rescue the Regent of the Mines as a first step to ending the 6th Dwarf-Orc War that is currently raging in the Crystal Peaks.
Uberstar Khazakhum, the Regent of the Mines, is described in the "Rogues, Regents, and Rascals" section of DA1 (pg 62-63).

8. A mission to disrupt the operations of the Iron Duke’s spies by identifying and slaying his spy master, Skandros the Strangler.
Taha Markovic, the Iron Duke, and Skandros the Strangler are described in the "Rogues, Regents, and Rascals" section of DA1 (pg 60-61).

9. A mission to map an underground military road between Blackmoor and Vestfold through the monster-infested caverns beneath the heart of Blackmoor.
This would involve a series of expeditions to Blackmoor Dungeons and The Lost Dungeons of Tonisborg beneath Vestfold.

"The Dungeons of Castle Blackmoor" (2006)

10. A mission to penetrate Bartertown and learn the identities of Blackmoorians who are working with (and possibly supplying military information to) the Skandaharian Raiders.

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